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Mid South Food Bank & Partner Agency Building Blocks Mentoring Program 


The Project STAND Healthy Food Pantry  


Project STAND is a SCS Department of Alternative School’s  college and career readiness grant for student who have had involvement with juvenile justice.  Project STAND has a mentor based model with a mission of service and after completing numerous hours of volunteer work with the Mid-South Food Bank, starting this food pantry was the next step. We now have on our campus the opportunity to serve the 38109 zip code by providing food to the families of the 14 schools located in this deserving area of town. Not only will the students of SCS benefit but the senior citizen community who resides within this area. We are teaching the Project STAND participants that citizenship and service is apart of our responsibility as residents of this beautiful city.  We are also using this pantry as an opportunity to teach the business side of operations. Keeping with the theme of college and career ready, this pantry teaches valuable work readiness skills such as inventory management, warehousing operations and customer service.


On Sept 13, 2018 the Mid-South Food Bank Announced the granting opening of School Pantry at Carver College & Career Academy. This announcement is the formation of a Healthy School Pantry at George Washington Carver College & Career Academy to alleviate its student population’s food insecurity.  “More than 51,000 kids in Shelby County face hunger,” said Estella Mayhue-Greer, President & CEO of Mid-South Food Bank.  "Having a food pantry inside a school serves as an excellent model of how a community can directly identify and reach those families who are in need of help.”


Carver’s Healthy School Pantry will operate out of a vacant, former ROTC building on the school’s campus and distribute twice a month. It will also receive food donations from Kroger. Project STAND, a Shelby County Schools support system, is the sponsor of the pantry and students involved in Carver’s Building Blocks Mentoring Program will be assigned various roles in managing the pantry.


Project STAND manager Dr. Tarol Page Clements said the Healthy School Pantry should be able to help as many as 135 families. “Opening a school pantry stems from Project STAND’s volunteer involvement working with Mid-South Food Bank,” Clements said. “This will make a big impact in the community and our students.”


The pantry will be open the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. For additional information please call 901-416-6937.





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