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Building Blocks Mentoring Program believes that education and mentoring starts at home. We pride ourselves on educating and providing social awareness and family engagement. We are truly dedicated on the process to ensure and inspire every student and parent in our program with the necessary resources.
We have served over 1,500 students since 2009 and we don't plan of stopping anytime soon. From helping kids enroll in college, resume preparing, community service, financial literacy, job placement, and the basic essentials of survival. BBMP along with along with local agencies and partners will support "our" families with a range of resources.
One-on-One Mentoring
Bilingual/ESL Mentoring
Group mentoring
Team Mentoring
School/Community Based Mentoring
The mission of the R.I.F.E. Program is to motivate and enhance literacy skills. BBMP will donate 500 books and reading materials to local schools during each school year. BBMP mentors will also be involved in the program for fun, excitement and encouragement.
Building Blocks Mentoring Program wants you to get organized and make sure that you are maximizing your time and efforts to get a college. We know the importance of an education.We will continue to provide plenty of resources and information to help students reach their potential.

In partnership with local Colleges and Universities in the Memphis, TN area, Impact “180” will give the students of higher learning the opportunity to increase their experiences in their field of studies to connect with students of Building Block Mentoring Program. This venture will make a difference in the communities and also build relationships while making positive impacts across the city.
In partnership with GOSKILLS, we are able to educate and inspire young people and adults with the tools and resources to improve thier skill set in SCEINCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENGERNEERING. So far we have issued over 200 certificates.
Building Blocks Athletic Program supports sports organzations/teams from pee-wee to college in various sports such as basketball. football, track, cross country, and cheerleading. We understand that resoucres can become a burden with fee's and cost for parents and coaches. We also asist with camps, clinics, and tournaments.

Registration Fees for Student Be Ready Summer Student Certification Summit for Summer Learning for Career Readiness:
2-day workshop June 2024.
Student registration fees to attend a summer summit for soft skill training for student: Technical skill development training materials for certifications with the Work Skills training curriculum. Student training material to support student’s college and career readiness via mentoring.
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